Product & Services
Pentens® Polymer/Polyaspartic Color Stone Paving System / Artistic Pattern Epoxy Flooring
胺基酸聚合性樹脂可造色地台 (Supply & Install)
Technic Matrix MEL® Artificial Decking GRP .PGRC.GRC Wood Like/Stone like Decking
玻璃纖維複合混凝土人造木紋/石紋可造色裝飾地台 (Supply & Install)
BonTruss™Channel Cover Grating / Custom-made FRP Furniture / Planter box / Handrail / Landscape / Mascot.Figure
各類玻璃纖維產品 (特色渠蓋/公共設備及美化裝飾等)
Sonaray® LED SOLUTIONS EXPERT (LED 光源解決方案專家)
China PRC or European Origin brand mosaics / homogeneous tiles / glazed ceramic tiles
各類國內及歐洲名牌 馬賽克 / 過底磚 / 釉面瓷磚
Swimming Pool Accessories (Pool Plastic Grating (Supply or Supply & Install).Stainless Steel Ladder.Stainless Steel Lane Rope Anchor)
泳池常用設備 (渠道格柵 / 不锈鋼上水梯 / 賽線浮波及掛鈎)
Construction engineering and maintenance products (Insulation Polyboard /oil . waterproofing membrane . Expansion Joint Sealant)
建築工程及維修類產品零售 (隔熱板 / 隔熱油 . 液態防水膜(黑膠) . 伸縮縫密封膠...等)
Stoneware and Natural Stone Professional factory-cutting services